So.. You're looking to play better shows huh?
Well, if you're in Arizona or Colorado..
We'll leave it simple. We know a lotta guys that know a lotta guys. The venues and promoters inboxes are full of your emails. We all see your show listings, they know about you already. We talk about you in the back by the kegs at the venues (or maybe we don't for some reasons).
We work with them all often. They ask us for opening entertainment & acts frequently. So, do you wanna be on these gigs? Think you've "outgrown" your usual spot or are you just eager to play bigger gigs?
Submit your act below. Fill out every field, and you'll know if we think you belong on the show IF we contact you for it.
What are WE all looking for?
Any genre and style is welcome. Any type of entertainment really, cause we deal with more than just concerts.
Have a following, have your social media profiles at the ready. If you don't have the big 4, better make them and learn how to use them.
Have media ready to submit. We don't just wanna get ahold of your songs. We want to see event photos, & videos.
Bonus points if you know what a one sheet and EPK is.. If you got 'em you should know what we expect you to do with them.